
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

OSG storage and more

Second day of the OSG AHM, first day for some, the last talk on BestMan almost put me to sleep but Hadoop is coming to the rescue. Seems there is some interest by some sites to investigate HDFS and also amazon S3 has storage elements. There is a SRM interface to hadoop...The dCache talk mentioned that S3 security was not acceptable to them, I should read more about this.

This afternoon there was a tour of the LIGO facility, a large interferometer to detext gravitational waves. Made of two 4 kms "tunnels" at 90 degres to cancel waves of a laser. I thought about running along the tunnels, a 8km run straight out, straight back in, I can;t think of anything more boring, but with running the ~20km of the LHC undergound that would make two of the geekyest runs in the world.

This morning we had some introductory sessions for users and admins, sharing experiences...I learned about netvibes and the universal widget API that is use for the new myOSG, very cool stuff.

At the same time I was trying to install pygame on my mac, I had some issues with python. I am trying to use it to teach distributed system to undergraduates with the idea to do a multi-player game with socket programming. I already did Condor and I had 46 students break md5 keys brute force, now I need something more fun :)

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