
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Impressive visual journey into the oceans at ISGC 2012

Prof. John Delaney from the University of Washington "WOWed" the audience in this morning's ISGC2012 keynote session with his presentation about ocean science. Holding a grid and cloud computing audience captivated for 45 minutes while not talking specifically about computers is normally quite challenging but Prof. Delaney's engaging style and amazing slides ensured nobody caught up on sleep during his session.

The Professor kindly highlighted the significant role that computation plays in enabling his remarkable research projects and reminded all those in attendance of the importance of grids & clouds in current and future scientific endeavors, specifically in oceanography.

Reminiscent of the first time I saw a Hans Rosling presentation or Al Gore's climate change lecture, Prof. Delaney used a combination of videos, photos, time lapse sequences, animations and colourful diagrams to explain complex scientific ideas and projects. If you ever get the chance to see Prof Delaney talk at future events I would highly recommend it and I would suggest that we could all learn a thing or two from his presentation style and his slide preparation. Cheers Lucien.

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