
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blue mosque, busy days and being "podded"

The UKI stand was very busy yesterday and so that's where I spent most of time.

It's always great to meet up with colleagues from all over Europe and I'm also meeting a lot of new people from EGEE III. I'm involved in the NA2 workpackage in the project which looks after dissemination, communication and events - basically the same as I do for the UK National Grid Service (NGS) back home. This is the first chance to meet the people I've been talking to on the phone for the last 4 months in person!

Our NGS case study leaflets seem to have been particularly popular. These are leaflets which highlight research carried out using NGS resources and they range from the social sciences (geodemographic modelling) to the physical sciences and even the visualisation of blood flow through the brain. It's always good to show grid computing in action as it reminds you what all the development is actually for - a tool for researchers to use.

We've donated part of our stand to the GridTalk team - the people responsible for this blog so it's been great fun having Cristy Burns on our stand. Her enthusiasm is endless!

I have actually been to some sessions as well - I've just came out of the bioinformatics session which, as a former biologist, I found particularly interesting. It's great to see the technology actually being used by the community.

Apparently tomorrow I am being "podded" as I call it. Yes I'm being filmed for a podcast and I'm slightly nervous as this is my first one! Must remember not to use any odd Scottish words... I should also probably try and get an early night for once so I don't look like a panda on the podcast. Last night a select few from the NGS, OMII-UK and GridPP ended up in a restaurant with a roof top terrace and a stunning view of the Blue Mosque. Not bad for a meal that cost less than £6! The food market beside the mosque was really busy and the place has a real buzz about it after dark. Having never been here before I'm not sure if this is due to it being Ramadan or if it's always this vibrant.

Right time for tea and some more of the "interesting" Turkish delicacies - you never quite know until you try if it's going to be savoury or sweet!

1 comment:

Cristy Burne said...

Nice podding today! I look forward to seeing it online :-)

Anyone interested in being podded should get in touch with Corentin Chevalier, our Cameraman-Reporter extraordinaire!
