Input from the Workshop!
Constellation Technologies: "The value-add of gLite for the SuperCloud". CT is an STFC spin-out that leverages EGEE's OS grid technologies & expertise. Nick Trigg, CEO, highlights that there are real opportunities but the challenge lies in finding the right application at the right time. CT has recently been successful in providing a complete service to a pharmaceutical company using gLite. CT is an EGEE Business Associate.
Gael Youinou from CGGVeritas presented "gLite on the Market: Seismic Processing & Reservoir Simulation Applications", explaining how the company has successfully provided the EGEODE application as an SaaS while hiding gLite underneath.
Bernhard Schott from Platform Computing gave a talk on the QoSCoSGrid project, bringing into sharp relief the creation of a charitable foundation for the sustainability of the work achieved, which is good news for gLite.
The COMETA project was presented by Antonio Puliafito from the COMETA Consortium. COMETA, which is supported by Sicilian regional funds, illustrates business dissemination and uptake. However, longer term sustainability through continued funding could be a major hurdle, moving forward.
The Workshop also looked at industry perspectives developed in the European Grid Initiative project. Antonio Candiello, INFN, focused on "Defining the Role of Industry within EGI", underscoring how EGI will offer a clear roadmap for business with particular reference to the creation of a gLite consortium in term of sustainability.
Many thanks to all participants and speakers.
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