
Friday, January 28, 2011

That's all folks!

Yesterday, we had the last lectures and school activities going on. It appears this was a glitch-less week and the "joint PRACE/LinkSCEEM-II CyI 2011 Winter School" (memorize this if you can!) came to conclusion, as originally planned. Our participants are on their way back to their home institutes. The current feedback we got from them has been extremely positive; let's await for the survey results ;-).
Through observations and discussions with the trainees, the LinkSCEEM project seems to fill a void in the region and the Programming School, in particular, has been successful in addressing their needs. Yes, we will organize more such events!
We are still not finished: photo and video material -covering the whole duration of the school- is pending to be processed and uploaded, we assume the content will be interesting for many more people. After all, our spies had been pretty busy ;-)

1 comment:

Catherine Gater said...

Many thanks Fotis and to all the bloggers for taking us behind the scenes at the training event. It's been great to hear about it as it happens! We'll look forward to seeing the materials on line.