
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

e-ScienceTalk signs MoUs with EUDAT and N4U

e-ScienceTalk is pleased to announce that we have signed Memorandum of Understandings with two exciting projects - N4U project and the EUDAT project.

Thanks to N4U ( , neuroscientists across the globe will be offered a fully functional virtual laboratory where they will be able to analyse the world's largest image databases on persons with neurodegenerative diseases. N4U is the second wave of FP7 neuGRID ( which aims to deliver the "Google for brain imaging". The availability of imaging-based disease markers (magnetic resonance, PET, etc.) for clinicians is key to developing innovative drug treatments. 

Tackling the challenge of a ‘data deluge’ and data management is the EUDAT ( project which is working towards developing a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) for meeting future researchers’ needs. In order to make the most of the new opportunities emerging from this “explosion” of data, the EUDAT consortium intends to build a sustainable pan-European infrastructure for scientific data.

e-ScienceTalk will work with both projects to communicate their results through our blogs, websites, publications, social media and events.

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